Assignment at <interface>.<clocking block>.<output
signal> (i.e. synchronous) do NOT change
<interface>.<output signal> until active clock edge.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
interface router_io(input bit clock); logic reset_n; logic [15:0] din; logic [15:0] frame_n; logic [15:0] valid_n; logic [15:0] dout; logic [15:0] valido_n; logic [15:0] busy_n; logic [15:0] frameo_n;
clocking cb @(posedge clock); default input #1ns output #1ns; output reset_n; output din; output frame_n; output valid_n; input dout; input valido_n; input frameo_n; input busy_n; endclocking: cb modport TB(clocking cb, output reset_n);
endinterface: router_io
All interface signals are asynchronous and without a direction
spection (i.e. input, output, inout).
- The direction can only be specified in
for synchronous signals
- or a
for asynchronous
All directions for the signals in the clocking block must be with
respect to the test program;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
program automatic test(router_io.TB rtr_io);
initial begin reset(); end task reset(); rtr_io.reset_n = 1'b0; rtr_io.cb.frame_n <= '1; rtr_io.cb.valid_n <= '1; repeat(2) @rtr_io.cb; rtr_io.cb.reset_n <= 1'b1; repeat(15) @(rtr_io.cb); endtask: reset
endprogram: test
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`timescale 1ns/100ps
module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100;
bit SystemClock = 0;
router_io top_io(SystemClock); test t(top_io);
router dut( .reset_n (top_io.reset_n), .clock (top_io.clock), .din (top_io.din), .frame_n (top_io.frame_n), .valid_n (top_io.valid_n), .dout (top_io.dout), .valido_n (top_io.valido_n), .busy_n (top_io.busy_n), .frameo_n (top_io.frameo_n) );
initial begin $timeformat(-9, 1, "ns", 10); $fsdbDumpvars; end
always begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock; end
1 2
| $ vcs -sverilog -full64 -kdb -debug_access+all router_io .sv ../../rtl/router.v
file with `timescale
must be placed in the first, which
in above example

systemverilog don't pass clocking.output to interface's until current
or next active edge and after output-skew

Systemverilog automatically update clocking.input
signal from interface's value, input-skew before active edge
An interface
must be compiled separately like a
and CANNOT `include
inside a
or ohter module