VCS & Verdi

VCS with customized UVM version

# uvm 1.1 customized
$ export VCS_UVM_HOME="path/to/uvm-1.1d/src"
$ vcs -full64 -debug_access+all -kdb -sverilog -ntb_opts uvm -timescale=1ns/1ps -f filelist.f
$ ./simv -gui=verdi

VCS with release UVM

$ vcs -full64 -debug_access+all -kdb -sverilog -ntb_opts uvm-1.2

VCS compile-time options

-kdb: Enables generating Verdi KDB database

-lca: Enables Limited Customer Availability feature, which is not fully test

+vpi: Enables the use of VPI PLI access routines.

Verilog PLI (Programming Language Interface) is a mechanism to invoke C or C++ functions from Verilog code.

-P <>: Specifies a PLI table file



+define+=: Define a text macro, Test for this definition in your Verilog source code using the `ifdef compiler directive

+define+SIMULATION when compiling

`ifdef SIMULATOIN in code

-debug_access: Enables dumping to FSDB/VPD, and limited read/callback capability. Use -debug_access+classs for testbench debug, and debug_access+all for all debug capabilities. Refer the VCS user guide for more granular options for debug control under the switch debug_access and refer to debug_region for region control

-y : Specifies a Verilog library directory to search for module definitons

-v <filename>: Specifies a Verilog library file to search for module definitons

+nospecify: Suppresses module path delays and time checks in specify blocks

-l <filename>: (lower case L) Specifies a log file where VCS records compilation message and runtime messages if you include the -R, -RI, or -RIG option

+vcs+fsdbon: A compile-time substitute for $fsdbDumpvars system task. The +vcs+fsdbon switch enables dumping for the entire design. If you do not add a corresponding -debug_access* switch, then -debug_access is automatically added. Note that you must also set VERDI_HOME.

$ ./simv

FSDB Dumper for VCS, Release Verdi_S-2021.09-SP2-2, Linux x86_64/64bit, 05/22/2022 (C) 1996 - 2022 by Synopsys, Inc. *Verdi* : Create FSDB file 'novas.fsdb' *Verdi* : Begin traversing the scopes, layer (0). *Verdi* : End of traversing.

+vcs+vcdpluson: A compile-time substitute for $vcdpluson system task. The +vcs+vcdpluson switch enables dumping for the entire design. If you do not add a corresponding -debug_access* switch, then -debug_access is automatically added

$ ./simv

VCD+ Writer S-2021.09-SP2-2_Full64 Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by Synopsys Inc.

+incdir+<directory>: Specifies the directories that contain the files you specified with the `include compiler directive. You can specify more than on directory, separating each path name with the + character.

Compile time Use Model

Just add the -kdb option to VCS executables when running simulation

  • Three steps flow:

    • vlogan/vhdlan/syscan -kdb

      Compile design and generate un-resolved KDB to ./work

    • vcs -kdb -debug_access+all <other option>

      Generate elaborated KDB to ./sim.dadir

  • Two steps flow:

    • vcs -kdb -debug_access+all <other option>

      Compile design and generate elaborated KDB to ./simv.dadir

Common simv Option

-gv <gen=value>: override runtime VHDL generics *

-ucli: stop at Tcl prompt upon start-up

-i <run.tcl>: execute specified Tcl script upon start-up

-l <logfile>: create runtime logfile

-gui: create runtime logfile

-xlrm: allow relaxed/non-LRM compliant code

-cm <options>: enable coverate options

verdi binkey

SHIFT+A: Find Signal/Find Instance/Find Instport

SHIFT+S: Find Scope

module traverse


Show Calling

Show Definition

Double-Click instance name is same with click Show Definition

Double-Click module name is same with click Show Calling

signal traverse




Double-Click signal name is same with click Driver

Verdi options

-ssf fastFile(s)|dumpFile(s)|fastFile list(s): Load FSDB (*.fsdb), virtual FSDB (*.vf) , gzipped FSDB (*.fsdb.gz), bzip2 FSDB (*.fsdb.bz2), waveform dump (*.vcd, *.vcd.gz) files, or FSDB file list (*.flst)

-simBin <simv_executable>: Specify the path of the simulation binary file.


-dbdir: Specify the daidir (simv.daidir ) directory to load

In the VCS two-step flow, the VCS generated KDB (kdb.elab++) is saved under the simv.daidir/ directory (like simv.daidir/kdb.elab++).

-f file_name / -file file_name: Load an ASCII file containing design source files and additional simulator options

Import Design from UFE

Knowledge Database (KDB): As it compiles the design, the Verdi platform uses its internal synthesis technology to recognize and extract specific structural, logical, and functional information about the design and stores the resulting detailed design information in the KDB

The Unified Compiler Flow (UFE) uses VCS with the -kdb option and the generated simv.daidar includes the KDB information

  1. verdi -dbdir simv.daidir

    Use the new -dbdir option to specify the simv.daidir directory

  2. verdi -simBin simv

    Load simv.daidir from the same directory as simv and invoke Verdi if simv.daidir is available

  3. verdi -ssf novas.fsdb

    Load KDB automatically from FSDB,

For 2 and 3, use the -dbdir option to load simv.dadir if you have move it to somewhere else

Reference Design and FSDB on the Command Line

verdi -f <source_file_name> -ssf <fsdb_file_name>

Where, source_file_name is the source file name and fsdb_file_name is the name of the FSDB file


Verdi使用总结 URL:

Using Verdi for Design Understanding - Driver/Load Tracing in Verdi | Synopsys

Using Verdi for Design Understanding - Connectivity Tracing and FSM Extraction in Verdi | Synopsys