First place place hard macro and add placement halo, then execute the
following code to add endcap and tapcell.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
| deleteFill -prefix ENDCAP deleteFill -prefix WELL
setEndCapMode \ -leftEdge BOUNDARY_RIGHTBWP16P90CPD \ -rightEdge BOUNDARY_LEFTBWP16P90CPD \ -leftBottomCorner BOUNDARY_NCORNERBWP16P90CPD \ -leftTopCorner BOUNDARY_PCORNERBWP16P90CPD \ -rightTopEdge FILL3BWP16P90CPD \ -rightBottomEdge FILL3BWP16P90CPD \ -topEdge "BOUNDARY_PROW2BWP16P90CPD BOUNDARY_PROW3BWP16P90CPD" -bottomEdge "BOUNDARY_NROW2BWP16P90CPD BOUNDARY_NROW3BWP16P90CPD" \ -boundary_tap true
set_well_tap_mode \ -rule 33 -bottom_tap_cell BOUNDARY_NTAPBWP16P90CPD \ -top_tap_cell BOUNDARY_PTAPBWP16P90CPD \ -cell TAPCELLBWP16P90CPD
addEndCap addWellTap -checkerBoard -cell TAPCELLBWP16P90CPD -cellInterval 160

REF: StanfordAHA/PowerDomainDesign