EMX & PeakView
LVS check
LVS issue for circuits with customized devices
auCdl: Analog and Microwave CDL, is a netlister used for creating CDL netlist for analog circuits
auLVS: Analog and Microwave LVS, is used for analog circuit LVS
EMX ports
plain labels
- pin layer
- uncheck Cadence pins in Advanced options
rectangle pins
- drawing layer rectangle pin and specify Access Direction as intended
- check Cadence pins in Advanced options
The rectangle pins are always selected as driven port while there are only rectangle pin whether Cadence pins checked or not.
check ports used for simulation
use GDS view - EMX
EMX Synthesis Kits
Synthesis is a capability of the EMX Pcell library and uses scalable model data pre-generated by Continuum for a specific process and metal scheme combination.
Synthesis is supported by the Pcells that are suffixed _scalable, and these Pcells have the additional fields and buttons needed for synthesis.
port order (signals)
type | Port order |
inductor | P1 P2 |
shield inductor | P1 P2 SHIELD |
tapped inductor | P1 P2 CT |
tapped shield inductor | P1 P2 CT SHIELD |
mom/mim capacitor | P1 P2 |
tcoil | P1 P2 TAP |
shield tcoil | P1 P2 TAP SHIELD |
tline | P1 P2 |
differential tline | P1 P2 P3 P4 |
EMX device info
name | menu_selection (split with _ ) | num_ports | modelgen_type | generic_model_type | plot_fn |
Single-ended inductor | inductor_no tap_no shield_single-ended | 2 | inductor | inductor | EMX_plot_se_ind |
Differential inductor | inductor_no tap_no shield_differential | 2 | inductor | inductor | EMX_plot_diff_ind |
Single-ended shield inductor | inductor_no tap_with shield_single-ended | 3 | shield_inductor | shield_inductor | EMX_plot_se_ind |
Differential shield inductor | inductor_no tap_with shield_differential | 3 | shield_inductor | shield_inductor | EMX_plot_diff_ind |
Tapped inductor (diff mode only) | inductor_with tap_no shield_differential mode only | 3 | center_tapped_inductor | tapped_inductor | EMX_plot_ct_ind |
Tapped inductor (common mode too) | inductor_with tap_no shield_also fit common mode | 3 | center_tapped_inductor_common_mode | tapped_inductor | EMX_plot_ct_ind |
Tapped shield inductor (diff only) | inductor_with tap_with shield_differential mode only | 4 | center_tapped_well_inductor_common_mode | tapped_shield_inductor | EMX_plot_ct_ind |
Single-ended cap (symm) | capacitor_symmetric single-ended | 2 | complex_mom_capacitor | mom_capacitor | EMX_plot_se_cap |
Differential cap (symm) | capacitor_symmetric differential | 2 | complex_mom_capacitor | mom_capacitor | EMX_plot_diff_cap |
Single-ended cap (asymm) | capacitor_asymmetric single-ended | 2 | complex_asymmetric_mom_capacitor | mom_capacitor | EMX_plot_se_cap |
Differential cap (asymm) | capacitor_asymmetric differential | 2 | complex_asymmetric_mom_capacitor | mom_capacitor | EMX_plot_diff_cap |
MiM capacitor | capacitor_MiM | 2 | mim_capacitor | mim_capacitor | EMX_plot_se_cap |
Tcoil (simple model) | tcoil_simple model | 3 | tcoil | tcoil | EMX_plot_tcoil |
Tcoil (complex model) | tcoil_complex model | 3 | complex_tcoil | complex_tcoil | EMX_plot_tcoil |
Shield tcoil | tcoil_with shield | 4 | shield_complex_tcoil | shield_tcoil | EMX_plot_shield_tcoil |
Transmission line | transmission line_single | 2 | xline | xline | EMX_plot_xline |
Diff transmission line | transmission line_coupled (differential) | 4 | coupled_xline | diff_xline | EMX_plot_diff_xline |
EMX plot function
EMX's formulation is defined in
1 /path/to/EMX/share/emx/virtuoso_ui/emxinterface/emxskill/emxform.ilsEMX import this file at Virtuoso startup, you have to relaunch Virtuoso if you change this file
Single-ended inductor
Both with and without shield apply
- port-1 impedance when port-2 short
\[ Z_1 = \frac{1}{Y_{11}} \]
- port-2 impedance when port-1 short
\[ Z_2 = \frac{1}{Y_{22}} \] Then \[\begin{align} L1 &= \frac{Im(Z_1)}{2\pi f} \\ Q1 &= \frac{Im(Z_1)}{Re(Z_1)} \\ L2 &= \frac{Im(Z_2)}{2\pi f} \\ Q2 &= \frac{Im(Z_2)}{Re(Z_2)} \end{align}\]
EMX only plot L1 and Q1
differential impedance
Y parameters to Z parameters
\[\begin{align} |Y| &= Y_{11}*Y_{22} - Y_{12}*Y_{22} \\ \begin{bmatrix} Z_{11} & Z_{12}\\ Z_{21} & Z_{22} \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{Y_{22}}{|Y|} & \frac{-Y_{12}}{|Y|}\\ \frac{-Y_{21}}{|Y|} & \frac{Y_{11}}{|Y|} \end{bmatrix} \end{align}\]
Then differential impedance is \[ Z_{diff} = Z_{11} - Z_{12} - Z_{21} + Z_{22} \]
similarly, Z parameters to Y parameters \[ \begin{bmatrix} Y_{11} & Y_{12}\\ Y_{21} & Y_{22} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{Z_{22}}{|Z|} & \frac{-Z_{12}}{|Z|}\\ \frac{-Z_{21}}{|Z|} & \frac{Z_{11}}{|Z|} \end{bmatrix} \] where \[ |Z| = Z_{11}Z_{22} - Z_{12}Z_{21} \]
Differential inductor
Both with and without shield apply
\[\begin{align} L_{diff} &= \frac{Im(Z_{diff})}{2\pi f} \\ Q_{diff} &= \frac{Im(Z_{diff})}{Re(Z_{diff})} \end{align}\]
Center-tapped inductor
\[ Y = \begin{bmatrix} Y_{11} & Y_{12} & Y_{13}\\ Y_{21} & Y_{22} & Y_{23}\\ Y_{31} & Y_{32} & Y_{33} \end{bmatrix} \]
where port order is P1 P2 CT
1 | (define (EMX_plot_ct_ind bgui wid what) |
Assume CT
i.e. port 3 in S-parameter is grounded,
(z (EMX_differential (nth 0 ys) (nth 1 ys) (nth 3 ys) (nth 4 ys)))
obtain differential impedance with \(Y_{11}\), \(Y_{12}\), \(Y_{21}\) and \(Y_{22}\). \[
Y =
Y_{11} & Y_{12}\\
Y_{21} & Y_{22}
\] Finally, differential inductance and Q are obtained, shown as
\[\begin{align} L_{diff} &= \frac{Im(Z_{diff})}{2\pi f} \\ Q_{diff} &= \frac{Im(Z_{diff})}{Re(Z_{diff})} \end{align}\]
Single-ended cap
1 | (define (EMX_plot_se_cap bgui wid what) |
We define Port-1 impedance \(Z_1\), Port-2 impedance \(Z_2\)
\[\begin{align} Z_1 &= \frac {1}{Y_{11}}\\ Z_2 &= \frac {1}{Y_{22}} \end{align}\]
Then single-ended cap and Q \[\begin{align} C_1 &= -\frac{1/Im(Z_1)}{2\pi f} \\ Q_1 &= -\frac{Im(Z_1)}{Re(Z_1)} \\ C_2 &= -\frac{1/Im(Z_2)}{2\pi f} \\ Q_2 &= -\frac{Im(Z_2)}{Re(Z_2)} \\ C_{12} &= -\frac{Im(Y_{12})}{2\pi f}\\ Q_{12} &= \frac{Im(Y_{12})}{Re(Y_{12})} \end{align}\]
- Series equivalent model is used in \(C_1\), \(Q_1\), \(C_2\) and \(Q_2\)
- \(Z_1 = R + \frac{1}{sC_1}\) and \(Z_2 = R + \frac{1}{sC_2}\)
- Parallel model is used in \(C_{12}\) and \(Q_{12}\)
- \(Y_{12} = \frac{1}{R} + sC_{12}\)
EMX plot \(C_{se}\), \(Q_{se}\) and \(C_{12}\), i.e. \(C_1\), \(Q_1\) and \(C_{12}\)
Differential cap
1 | (define (EMX_plot_diff_cap bgui wid what) |
First obtain differential impedance, \(Z_{diff}\) then apply series equivalent model \[\begin{align} C_{diff} &= -\frac{1/Im(Z_{diff})}{2\pi f} \\ Q_{diff} &= -\frac{Im(Z_{diff})}{Re(Z_{diff})} \end{align}\]
Open circuit impedance \(Z_o\), short circuit impedance \(Z_s\) and characteristic impedance \(Z_0\)
\[\begin{align} Z_o &= Z_{11}\\ Z_s &= \frac{1}{Y_{11}}\\ Z_0 &= \sqrt{Z_o*Z_s} \end{align}\]
propagation constant is given as \[\begin{align} \gamma &= \frac{1}{2}\log\left( \frac{Z_0+Z_s}{Z_0-Z_s} \right) \\ &= \alpha + j\beta \end{align}\] where \(\alpha\) is attenuation constant and \(\beta\) is phase constant
The relationship between these parameter and geometry of the transmission line \[\begin{align} Z_0 &= \sqrt{\frac{R+j\omega L}{G+j\omega C}} \\ \gamma &= \sqrt{(G+j\omega C)(R+j\omega L)} \end{align}\] EMX plot the real and imaginary part of \(Z_0\), \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) of \(\gamma\)
Note EMX plot the absolute value of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)
EMX autoplot
using AC simulation, and inductor's parallel model or series model
That is to say: both
(network parameter) andac
(impedance) can be used to plot inductance, Q value.usually EMX choose
left 2 figures are used for AC simulation, \(Y_{nn}\) can be obtained conveniently
Foundary model
for single-end capicator \[\begin{align} Q_1 &= -\frac{Im(Z_1)}{Re(Z_1)} \\ &= -\frac{Im(1/Y_{11})}{Re(1/Y_{11})} \\ &= -\frac{Im(Y_{11}^*)/|Y_{11}|^2}{Re(Y_{11}^*)/|Y_{11}|^2} \\ &= \frac{Im(Y_{11})}{Re(Y_{11})} \end{align}\]
So, the EMX model and foundary model is consistent.
Process file encryption mostly for advanced nodes, like TSMC 16nm Finfet, whose process file is encrypted.
- Use
in the EMX Advanced options
GDSviewer has two options
- EMX: shows the final gds sent to EMX for simulation after it has been processed by EMX
- Raw: shows the raw gds
If there are port name with the
sign, it means EMX sees a port but it is not in the signal list.
EMX Accuracy
Edge mesh: controls layout discretization in the X-Y plane
- For MoM capacitors, use the edge mesh to be the same as the width of the finger (for example, 0.1um).
Thickness: controls layout discretization in the Z dimension
3D metals: skips all 2D assumptions about conductors and their currents and charges
- If you set
3D metals
then all metals are treated as 3D- For Inductor type structures, only thick metal needs 3D.
- For MoM, all layers are needed.
- If you set
Ports entered in Grounds
will cause these nets to be
grounded; these ports will not show up in the S-parameter result.
Setup Temperature
- EMX:
- If check ParaView related options when ParaView is not setup properly, EMX simulation stop at Creating mesh... without waring or errors (version 6.2).
Tips on Specifying Ports in EMX [link]
Using 'Cadence pins' as ports with access direction in EMX simulations [[link](Article (20496398) Title: Using 'Cadence pins' as ports with access direction in EMX simulations URL: https://support.cadence.com/apex/ArticleAttachmentPortal?id=a1O3w00000AH2OfEAL)]