Custom Design with FinFETs

Design Considerations



Modeling Consideration



mos_pro \[\begin{align} R_{d1} &\propto \frac{1}{N_{fins}} \\ R_{s1} &\propto \frac{1}{N_{fins}} \\ R_{g1} &\propto N_{fins} \\ C_{gd} &\propto N_{fins} \cdot N_{fingers} \cdot N_{multipler} \\ C_{gs} &= Cgd \\ C_{g1d} &\propto N_{fins} \\ C_{g1s} &= C_{g1d} \\ C_{g1d1} &\propto N_{fins} \\ C_{g1s1} &= C_{g1d1} \\ C_{g1d1} &\simeq 2\times C_{g1d} \end{align}\]


Layout Consideration


The PODE devices is extracted as parasitic devices in post-layout netlist


DDB is the PODE (Poly on OD/Diffusion Edge) in TSMC 16FFC process.

SDB is the CPODE (Connected PODE) in TSMC 16FFC process.

PO on OD edge (PODE) is a must and to define GATE that abuts OD vertical edge

CPODE is used to connect two PODE cells together. It will isolate OD to save 1 poly pitch, via STI; Additional mask (12N) is required for manufacture





self-aligned diffusion contacts (SACs)

As shown in Fig. 35 in older planar technology nodes, gate pitch is so relaxed such that S/D contacts and gate contacts can easily be placed next to each other without causing any shorting risk (see Fig. 35(a)).

As the gate pitch scales, there’s no room to put gate contacts next to S/D contacts, and gatecontacts have been pushed away from the active region and are only placed on the STI region.


In addition, at tight gate pitch, even forming S/D contact without shorting to gate metal becomes very challenging.

The idea of self-aligned contacts (SAC) has been introduced to mitigate the issue of S/D contact to gate shorts.

As shown in Fig. 35(b), the gate metal is fully encapsulated by a dielectric spacer and gate cap, which protects the gate from shorting to the S/D contact.


A dielectric cap is added on top of the gate so that if the contact overlaps the gate, no short occurs.

MD layer represent SACs in PDK


self-aligned gate contacts (SAGCs)

Self-aligned gate contacts (SAGCs) have also been implemented and Denser standard cells can be achieved by eliminating the need to land contacts on the gate outside the active area.

SAGCs require the source/drain contacts to be capped with an insulator that is different from both contact and gate cap dielectrics to protect the source/drain contacts against a misaligned gate contact etch.



According to the DRC of T foundary, poly extension > 0 um and space between MP and OD > 0 um., which demonstrate self-aligned gate contact is not introduced.

Contacted-Poly-Pitch (CPP)

Wider Contacted-Poly-Pitch allows wider MD and VD size, which help reduce MEOL IRdrop

Schematic representation of a logic standard cell layout (CPP = contacted poly pitch, FP = fin pitch, MP = metal pitch; cell height = number of metal lines per cell x MP).

Naoto Horiguchi. Entering the Nanosheet Transistor Era [link]

Gate Resistance





non-quasistatic (NQS) effect


Tom Quan, TSMC, Bob Lefferts, Fred Sendig, Synopsys, Custom Design with FinFETs - Best practices designing mixed-signal IP

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