Clock Gating

Clock Gating is defined as: "Clock gating is a technique/methodology to turn off the clock to certain parts of the digital design when not needed".

Clock Gating Overview

AND gate-based clock gating

In simplest form a clock gating can be achieved by using an AND gate as shown in picture below

clock gating

However, this simplest form of clock gating technique has some problem of generating glitches in the clock provide to the FF, which are not desirable.


Glitches in enable/gated clock

Latch based clock gating

These glitches can be removed by introducing a negative edge triggered FF (assuming downstream FFs are positive edge) or low-level sensitive latch at the output of the clock enable signal.

clock gating

This will make sure that any glitch in the clock enable signal will not be visible to the gated clock output. The Latch output will only be updated during the negative clock cycle and thus input to AND gate will be stable high.

clock gating

Glitch Free Gated Clock


The Ultimate Guide to Clock Gating