Link Modeling

ADC requirement


ENOB - Not sufficient & not accurate enough - Based on SNDR - Assume unbounded Gaussian distribution

quantization noise is ~ bounded uniform distribution

Using unbounded Gaussian -> pessimistic BER prediction

CML vs. SST based driver


Design Challenges Of High-Speed Wireline Transmitters []


  • Decimation is commonly employed to alleviate the high-speed requirement. However, decimation increases loop-latency which causes excessive dither jitter.

  • Decimation is basically, widen the data and slowing it down

  • Decimating by \(L\) means frequency register only added once every \(L\) UI, thus integral path gain reduced by \(L\) in linear model


Decimation by Summing

In DSP this is called boxcar filter

\(\sum d_n\), where \(d_n \in \{-1, 0, 1\}\)

  • Decimation via boxcar filter produces a DC gain, \(K_b\), corresponding to the decimation factor.


Loop gain of proportional path is unchanged

Decimation by Voting

equivalent \(\sum d_n \lt 0 \to -1\), \(\sum d_n = 0 \to 0\) and \(\sum d_n\gt 0 \to 1\)

Compared to the boxcar filter, voting is able to reduce the loop delay and lower the output noise of the MMPD

  • Decimation via voting has a reduced gain, \(K_V\), which can be determined through simulation


P. K. Hanumolu, M. G. Kim, G. -y. Wei and U. -k. Moon, "A 1.6Gbps Digital Clock and Data Recovery Circuit," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2006, San Jose, CA, USA, 2006, pp. 603-606

J. L. Sonntag and J. Stonick, "A Digital Clock and Data Recovery Architecture for Multi-Gigabit/s Binary Links," in IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1867-1875, Aug. 2006

John T. Stonick, ISSCC 2011 tutorial. "DPLL Based Clock and Data Recovery" []

Pavan Hanumolu, ISSCC 2015 tutorial. "Clock and Data Recovery Architectures & Circuits"

Liu, Tao, Tiejun Li, Fangxu Lv, Bin Liang, Xuqiang Zheng, Heming Wang, Miaomiao Wu, Dechao Lu, and Feng Zhao. 2021. "Analysis and Modeling of Mueller-Muller Clock and Data Recovery Circuits" Electronics 10, no. 16: 1888.

Gu, Youzhi & Feng, Xinjie & Chi, Runze & Chen, Yongzhen & Wu, Jiangfeng. (2022). Analysis of Mueller-Muller Clock and Data Recovery Circuits with a Linearized Model. 10.21203/

BER with Quantization Noise


\[ \text{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2 \] image-20240804110235178

Impulse Response or Pulse Response




TX FFE suffers from the peak power constraint, which in effect attenuates the average power of the outgoing signal - the low-frequency signal content has been attenuated down to the high-frequency level



S. Palermo, "CMOS Nanoelectronics Analog and RF VLSI Circuits," Chapter 9: High-Speed Serial I/O Design for Channel-Limited and Power-Constrained Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2011.

statistical eye


Sanders, Anthony, Michael Resso and John D'Ambrosia. "Channel Compliance Testing Utilizing Novel Statistical Eye Methodology." (2004).

Eye-Opening Monitor (EOM)

An architecture that evaluates the received signal quality

data slicers, phase slicers, error slicers, scope slicers



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Paul Muller Yusuf Leblebici École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Pattern generator model for jitter-tolerance simulation; VHDL-AMS models

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JLSD - Julia SerDe []