Analog Front-End (AFE)
MOS parasitic Rd&Rs, Cd&Cs
Decrease the parasitic R&C
priority: \(R_s \gt R_d\), \(C_s \gt C_d\)
XCP as Negative Impedance Converter (NIC)
The Cross-Coupled Pair (XCP) can operate as an impedance negator [a.k.a. a negative impedance converter (NIC)]
A common application is to create a negative capacitance that can cancel the positive capacitance seen at a port, thereby improving the speed
I_{NIC} =\frac{V_{im} - V_{ip}}{\frac{2}{g_m}+\frac{1}{sC_c}} =
\] Therefore \[
Z_{NIC} = \frac{V_{ip} - V_{im}}{I_{NIC}}=\frac{2V_{ip}}{I_{NIC}} =-
\] half-circuit
If \(C_{gd}\) is considered, and apply miller effect. half equivalent circuit is shown as below
B. Razavi, "The Cross-Coupled Pair - Part III [A Circuit for All Seasons]," IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, Issue. 1, pp. 10-13, Winter 2015. []
S. Galal and B. Razavi, "10-Gb/s Limiting Amplifier and Laser/Modulator Driver in 0.18um CMOS Technology,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 38, pp. 2138-2146, Dec. 2003. []
Flipped Voltage Follower (FVF)
T&H buffer in ADC
Z. Guo et al., "A 112.5Gb/s ADC-DSP-Based PAM-4 Long-Reach Transceiver with >50dB Channel Loss in 5nm FinFET," 2022 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2022, pp. 116-118, doi: 10.1109/ISSCC42614.2022.9731650.
Super-source follower (SSF)
A. Sheikholeslami, "Voltage Follower, Part III [Circuit Intuitions]," in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 14-26, Spring 2023, doi: 10.1109/MSSC.2023.3269457
Paul R. Gray. 2009. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (5th. ed.). Wiley Publishing. [pdf]
Double differential Pair
\(V_\text{ip}\) and \(V_\text{im}\) are input, \(V_\text{rp}\) and \(V_\text{rm}\) are reference voltage \[ V_o = A_v(\overline{V_\text{ip} - V_\text{im}} - \overline{V_\text{rp} - V_\text{rm}}) \]
In differential comparison mode, the feedback loop ensure \(V_\text{ip} = V_\text{rp}\), \(V_\text{im} = V_\text{rm}\) in the end
assume input and reference common voltage are same
Pros of (b)
- larger input range i.e., \(\gt \pm \sqrt{2}V_\text{ov}\) of (a), it works even one differential is off due to lower voltage
- larger \(g_m\) (smaller input difference of pair)
Cons of (b)
- sensitive to the difference of common voltage between \(V_\text{ip}\), \(V_\text{im}\) and \(V_\text{rp}\), \(V_\text{rm}\)
common-mode voltage difference
copy aforementioned formula here for convenience \[ V_o = A_v(\overline{V_\text{ip} - V_\text{im}} - \overline{V_\text{rp} - V_\text{rm}}) \]
at sample phase \(V_\text{ip}= V_\text{im}= V_\text{cmi}\) and \(V_\text{rp}= V_\text{rm}= V_\text{cmr}\)
- \(I_\text{ip0}= I_\text{im0} = I_\text{i0}\)
- \(I_\text{rp0}= I_\text{rm0} = I_\text{r0}\)
i.e. \(\overline{I_\text{ip} + I_\text{rm}} - \overline{I_\text{im} + I_\text{rp}} = 0\)
at compare start
\(V_\text{ip}= V_\text{im}= V_\text{cmi}\) and \(V_\text{rp}= V_\text{cmr}+\Delta\), \(V_\text{rp}= V_\text{cmr}-\Delta\)
\(I_\text{ip}\lt I_\text{ip0}\), \(I_\text{rp} \gt I_\text{rp0}\)
\(I_\text{im}\gt I_\text{im0}\), \(I_\text{rm} \lt I_\text{rm0}\)
i.e. \(\overline{I_\text{ip} + I_\text{rm}} - \overline{I_\text{im} + I_\text{rp}} \lt 0\), we need to increase \(V_\text{ip}\) and decrease \(V_\text{im}\).
at the compare finish
\[\begin{align} V_\text{ip}= V_\text{cmi} + \Delta \\ V_\text{im}= V_\text{cmi} - \Delta \end{align}\]
and \(I_\text{ip0}= I_\text{im0} = I_\text{i0}\), \(I_\text{rp0}= I_\text{rm0} = I_\text{r0}\)
i.e. \(\overline{I_\text{ip} + I_\text{rm}} - \overline{I_\text{im} + I_\text{rp}} = 0\)
If \(V_\text{cmr} - V_\text{cmi} = \sqrt{2}V_{OV} + \delta\), and \(\delta \gt 0\). one transistor carries the entire tail current
- \(I_\text{ip} =0\) and \(I_\text{rp} = I_{SS}\), all the time
At the end, \(V_\text{im} = V_\text{cmi} - (\Delta - \delta)\), the error is \(\delta\)
In closing, \(V_\text{cmr} - V_\text{cmi} \lt \sqrt{2}V_{OV}\) for normal work
Furthermore, the difference between \(V_\text{cmr}\) and \(V_\text{cmi}\) should be minimized due to limited impedance of current source and input pair offset
In the end \[ V_\text{cmr} - V_\text{cmi} \lt \sqrt{2}V_{OV} - V_{OS} \]
Under the condition, every transistor of pairs are on in equilibrium
pair mismatch
\[\begin{align} I_{SE} &= g_m(\sigma_{vth,0} + \sigma_{vth,1}) \\ I_{DE} &= g_m(\sigma_{vth,0} + \sigma_{vth,1}) \end{align}\]
The input equivalient offset voltage \[\begin{align} V_{os,SE} &= \frac{I_{SE}}{2g_m} = \frac{\sigma_{vth,0} + \sigma_{vth,1}}{2} \\ V_{os,DE} &= \frac{I_{DE}}{g_m} = \sigma_{vth,0} + \sigma_{vth,1} \end{align}\]
Then \[\begin{align} \sigma_{vos,SE} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\sigma_{vth}^2}{4}} = \frac{\sigma_{vth}}{\sqrt{2}} \\ \sigma_{vos,DE} &= \sqrt{2\sigma_{vth}^2} = \sqrt{2}\sigma_{vth} \end{align}\]
We obtain \[ \sigma_{vos,DE} = 2\sigma_{vos,SE} \]
peaking without inductor
How to generate complex poles without inductor? []
Input Diff-Pair
DM Distortion
CM Distortion
Resistive Degeneration
Resistive degeneration in differential pairs serves as one major technique for linear amplifier
The linear region for CMOS differential pair would be extended by \(±I_{SS}R/2\) as all of \(I_{SS}/2\) flows through \(R\). \[\begin{align} V_{in}^+ -V_{in}^- &= V_{OV} + V_{TH}+\frac{I_{SS}}{2}R - V_{TH} \\ &= \sqrt{\frac{2I_{SS}}{\mu_nC_{OX}\frac{W}{L}}} + \frac{I_{SS}R}{2} \end{align}\]
Jri Lee, "Communication Integrated Circuits."
Figure 14.12, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Second Edition []
Biasing Tradeoffs in Resistive-Degenerated Diff Pair
Todd Brooks, Broadcom "Input Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) Design for ADC Signal Conditioning" []
Source-Degenerated Differential Pairs
Elad Alon, ISSCC 2014, "T6: Analog Front-End Design for Gb/s Wireline Receivers" []
Byungsub Kim, ISSCC 2022, "T11: Basics of Equalization Techniques: Channels, Equalization, and Circuits"
Minsoo Choi et al., "An Approximate Closed-Form Channel Model for Diverse Interconnect Applications," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 3034-3043, Oct. 2014.
K. Yadav, P. -H. Hsieh and A. Chan Carusone, "Linearity Analysis of Source-Degenerated Differential Pairs for Wireline Applications," in IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, [link]