Trellis Coding
Convolutional Code
Baseline Wander
Pete Anslow, Ciena. Baseline wander with FEC []
Vladimir Dmitriev-Zdorov. Baseline Wander, its Time Domain and
Statistical Analysis []
Pavel Zivny, Tektronix. Baseline Wander: Systematic Approach to Rapid
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Update on Performance Studies of 100 Gigabit Ethernet Enabled by
Advanced Modulation Formats []
Sampling Front-End (SFE)
Pulse Response

sweep the setup time between ideal pulse input and clock, sample the
output of SFE at falling edge
ISI & DDJ filtering

Modulation and SNR
Data and noise mutually uncorrelated
x_{RX,n}[p] = d[p]h_{RX}[0] +\sum \text{ISI} + n[p]

"ISI cancellation" based equalization is conceptually more
straightforward but suffers from SNR penalty or error propagation
Jitter Amplification
by Passive Channels

CDR Loop Latency

loop latency is represented as \(e^{-sD}\) in linear model

Sensitivity to Loop Latency

Resolution with a \(\Delta \Sigma\)
Sub-Resolution Time Averaging

\(\Delta \Sigma\) modulator
effectively dithers the LSB bit
between zero and one, such that you can get the effective
resolution of a much higher resolution DAC in the number of bits
how they affect sampling phase

DLF's input bit-width can be reduced by decimating BBPD's
output. Decimation is typically performed by realizing either
majority voting (MV) or boxcar
Note that deserialization is inherent to both
MV and boxcar filtering

- Decimation is commonly employed to alleviate the high-speed
requirement. However, decimation increases loop-latency which causes
excessive dither jitter.
- Decimation is basically, widen the data and slowing it down
- Decimating by \(L\) means frequency
register only added once every \(L\)
UI, thus integral path gain reduced by \(L\) in linear model
- proportional path gain is unchanged

CDR Linear Model

Linear model of the CDR is used in a frequency lock
condition and is approaching to achieve phase
Using this model, the power spectral density (PSD) of jitter in the
recovered clock \(S_{out}(f)\) is \[
\] Here, we assume \(\varphi_{in}\) and \(\varphi_{VCO}\) are uncorrelated as they
come from independent sources.
Jitter Transfer
H_T(s) =
Using below notation \[\begin{align}
\omega_n^2=\frac{K_{PD}K_{VCO}}{C} \\
We can rewrite transfer function as follows \[
H_T(s)=\frac{2\xi\omega_n s+\omega_n^2}{s^2+2\xi \omega_n s+\omega_n^2}
The jitter transfer represents a low-pass filter
whose magnitude is around 1 (0 dB) for low jitter frequencies and drops
at 20 dB/decade for frequencies above \(\omega_n\)

- the recovered clock track the low-frequency
jitter of the input data
- the recovered clock DONT track the
high-frequency jitter of the input data
The recovered clock does not suffer from high-frequency jitter even
though the input signal may contain high-frequency jitter, which will
limit the CDR tolerance to high-frequency jitter.
Jitter Peaking in
Jitter Transfer Function
The peak, slightly larger than 1 (0dB) implies that jitter will be
amplified at some frequencies in the CDR, producing a
jitter amplitude in the recovered clock, and thus also in the recovered
data, that is slightly larger than the jitter amplitude
in the input data.
This is certainly undesirable, especially in applications such as

Jitter Generation
If the input data to the CDR is clean with no jitter, i.e., \(\varphi_{in}=0\), the jitter of the
recovered clock comes directly from the VCO jitter. The transfer
function that relates the VCO jitter to the recovered clock jitter is
known as jitter generation. \[
\omega_n s+\omega_n^2}
\] Jitter generation is high-pass filter with
two zeros, at zero frequency, and two poles identical to those of the
jitter transfer function

Jitter Tolerance
To quantify jitter tolerance, we often apply a sinusoidal jitter of a
fixed frequency to the CDR input data and observe the BER of the CDR
The jitter tolerance curve DONT capture a CDR's true
tolerance to random jitter. Because we are applying
"sinusoidal" jitter, which is deterministic signal.
We can deal only with the jitter's amplitude and frequency instead of
the PSD of the jitter thanks to deterministic sinusoidal jitter signal.
JTOL(f) = \left | \varphi_{in}(f) \right |_{\text{pp-max}} \quad
\text{for a fixed BER}
\] Where the subscript \(\text{pp-max}\) indicates the maximum
peak-to-peak amplitude. We can further expand this equation as follows
JTOL(f)=\left| \frac{\varphi_{in}(f)}{\varphi_{e}(f)} \right| \cdot
Relative jitter, \(\varphi_e\) must
be less than 1UIpp for error-free operation
In an ideal CDR, the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude
of \(|\varphi_e(f)|\) is
1UI, i.e.,\(|\varphi_e(f)|_{pp-max}=1UI\)
Accordingly, jitter tolerance can be expressed in terms of the number
of UIs as \[
JTOL(f)=\left| \frac{\varphi_{in}(f)}{\varphi_{e}(f)} \right|\quad
\] Given the linear CDR model, we can write \[
JTOL(f)=\left| 1+\frac{K_{PD}K_{VCO}H_{LF}(f)}{j2\pi f} \right|\quad
\] Expand \(H_{LF}(f)\) for the
CDR, we can write \[
JTOL(f)=\left| 1-2\xi j \left(\frac{f_n}{f}\right) -
\left(\frac{f_n}{f}\right)^2 \right|\quad \text{[UI]}
At frequencies far below and above the natural frequency, the jitter
tolerance can be approximated by the following \[
JTOL(f) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl}
\left(\frac{f_n}{f}\right)^2 & : \ f\ll f_n \\
1 & : \ f\gg f_n
\end{array} \right.
the jitter tolerance at very high jitter frequencies
is limited to 1UIpp
Concepts of JTF and OJTF
Simplified Block Diagram of a Clock-Recovery PLL 
Jitter Transfer Function (JTF)
- Input Signal Versus Recovered Clock
- JTF, by jitter frequency, compares how much input signal jitter is
transferred to the output of a clock-recovery's PLL (recovered
- Input signal jitter that is within the clock recovery PLL's loop
bandwidth results in jitter that is faithfully transferred (closed-loop
gain) to the clock recovery PLL's output signal. JTF in this situation
is approximately 1.
- Input signal jitter that is outside the clock recovery PLL's loop
bandwidth results in decreasing jitter (open-loop gain) on the clock
recovery PLL's output, because the jitter is filtered out and no longer
reaches the PLL's VCO
Observed Jitter Transfer Function
- Input Signal Versus Sampled Signal
- OJTF compares how much input signal jitter is transferred to the
output of a receiver's decision making circuit as
effected by a clock recovery's PLL. As the recovered clock is the
reference for detecting the input signal
- Input signal jitter that is within the clock
recovery PLL's loop bandwidth results in jitter on the recovered clock
which reduces the amount of jitter that can be detected. The input
signal and clock signal are closer in phase
- Input signal jitter that is outside the clock
recovery PLL's loop bandwidth results in reduced jitter on the
recovered clock which increases the amount of jitter that can
be detected. The input signal and clock signal are more out of phase.
Jitter that is on both the input and clock signals can not detected or
is reduced
JTF and OJTF for 1st Order PLLs

The observed jitter is a complement to the PLL jitter transfer
response OJTF=1-JTF (Phase matters!)
OTJF gives the amount of jitter which is tracked and therefore not
observed at the output of the CDR as a function of the jitter rate
applied to the input.

Jitter Measurement
J_{\text{measured}} = JTF_{\text{DUT}} \cdot OJTF_{\text{instrument}}
The combination of the OJTF of a jitter measurement device and the
JTF of the clock generator under test gives the measured jitter as a
function of frequency.

For example, a clock generator with a type 1, 1st order PLL measured
with a jitter measurement device employing a golden PLL is \[
J_{\text{measured}} = \frac{\omega_1}{s+\omega_1}\frac{s}{s+\omega_2}
Accurate measurement of the clock JTF requires that the OJTF cutoff
of the jitter measurement be significantly below that of the clock JTF
and that the measurement is compensated for the instrument's OJTF.
The overall response is a band pass filter because the clock JTF is
low pass and the jitter measurement device OJTF is high pass.
The compensation for the instrument OJTF is performed by measuring
the jitter of the reference clock at each jitter rate being tested and
comparing the reference jitter with the jitter
measured at the output of the DUT.

The lower the cutoff frequency of the jitter measurement device the
better the accuracy of the measurement will be.
The cutoff frequency is limited by several factors including the
phase noise of the DUT and measurement time.
Digital Sampling
How to analyze jitter:
- TIE (Time Interval Error) track
- histogram
TIE track provides a direct view of how the phase of
the clock evolves over time.
histogram provides valuable information about the
long term variations in the timing.
FFT allows jitter at specific rates to be measured
down to the femto-second range.
Maintaining the record length at a minimum of \(1/10\) of the inverse of the PLL loop
bandwidth minimizes the response error
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Link Budgets
VCO model
respone to vctrl focus on phase
ADC Spec
ENOB - Not sufficient & not accurate enough
- Based on SNDR
- Assume unbounded Gaussian distribution
quantization noise is ~ bounded uniform distribution
Using unbounded Gaussian -> pessimistic BER prediction
AFE Nonlinearity
"total harmonic distortion" (THD) in
Relative to NRZ-based systems, PAM4 transceivers require more
stringent circuit linearity, equalizers which can implement multi-level
inter-symbol interference (ISI) cancellation, and improved

Because if it compresses, it turns out you have to use a much more
complicated feedback filter. As long as it behaves linearly,
the feedback filter itself can remain a linear FIR

Linearity can actually be a critical constraint in these signal
paths, and you really want to stay as linear as you can all the way up
until the point where you've canceled all of the ISI

A. Roshan-Zamir, O. Elhadidy, H. -W. Yang and S. Palermo, "A
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BER with Quantization Noise

\text{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2

Impulse Response or Pulse

TX FFE suffers from the peak power constraint, which in effect
attenuates the average power of the outgoing signal - the low-frequency
signal content has been attenuated down to the high-frequency level

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Eye-Opening Monitor (EOM)
An architecture that evaluates the received signal quality
data slicers, phase slicers, error slicers, scope slicers

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loop dynamic
Dithering Jitter in Bang-bang
hunting jitter is also called as dithering
jitter the time error between data clock and input
- proportional gain
- loop latency

where the proportional gain (\(K_P\)), heavily damped systems
means that \(K_P \gg K_I\)

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CDR Loop Latency
Denoting the CDR loop latency by \(\Delta
T\) , we note that the loop transmission is multiplied by \(exp(-s\Delta T)\simeq 1-s\Delta T\).The
resulting right-half-plane zero, \(f_z\) degrades the phase margin and must
remain about one decade beyond the BW \[
f_z\simeq \frac{1}{2\pi \Delta T}
This assumption is true in practice since the bandwidth of the CDR
(few mega Hertz) is much smaller than the data rate (multi giga
Fernando , Marvell Italy."Considerations for CDR Bandwidth Proposal"
Loop Bandwidth
The closed-loop −3-dB bandwidth is sometimes called the
“loop bandwidth”
Approximation Limitations
A rule of thumb often used to ensure slow changes in the loop is to
select the loop bandwidth approximately equal to
one-tenth of the input frequency.

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Limit Cycle Oscillation
limit cycles imply self-sustained oscillators due nonlinear
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It's ternary, because early, late
and no transition
Linearing BB-PD
BB Gain is the slope of average BB output \(\mu\), versus phase offset \(\phi\), i.e. \(\frac {\partial \mu}{\partial \phi}\),
BB only produces output for a transition and this de-rates the gain.
Transition density = 0.5 for random data
K_{BB} = \frac{1}{2}\frac {\partial \mu}{\partial \phi}
where \(\mu = (1)\times
\mathrm{P}(\text{late}|\phi) + (-1)\times

Both jitter and amplitude noise distribution are same, just scaled by
Self-Noise Term
One price we pay for BB PD versus
linear PD is the self-noise term.
For small phase errors BB output noise
is the full magnitude of the sliced data
The PD output should be almost 0 for small phase
errors. i.e. ideal PD output noise should be 0
\sigma_{BB}^2 = 1^2 \cdot \mathrm{P}(\text{trans}) + 0^2\cdot
(1-\mathrm{P}(\text{trans})) = 0.5

Input referred jitter from BB PD is
proportional to incoming jitter

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Digital CDR Category

- DCO part is analogous so that it cannot be perfectly
- Digital-to-phase converter is well-defined phase output, thus, very
good to model real situation

limit cycle

Z-domain modeling

The difference equation is \[
\phi[n] = \phi[n-1] + K_{DCO}V_C[n]\cdot T\cdot2\pi
\] z-transform is \[
\frac{\Phi(z)}{V_C(z)}=\frac{2\pi K_{DCO}T}{1-z^{-1}}
where \(K_{DCO}\) : \(\Delta f\) (Hz/bit)
\Sigma\)-dithering in DCO
Quantization noise

Here, \(\alpha_T\) is data
transition density
BBPD quantization noise
DAC quantization noise
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Time to Digital Converter
Digital to Phase Converter
IIR low pass filter

simple approximation: \[
z = 1 + sT
\] bilinear-z transform \[
z =\frac{}{}

Peak-to-peak jitter in

Accumulate-and-dump (AAD)
accumulating the input for \(N\)
cycles and then latching the result and resetting the integrator

It adds up \(N\) succeeding input
samples at rate \(1/T\) and delivers
their sum in a single sample at the output. Therefore, the
process comprises a filter (in the accumulation) and a
down-sampler (in the dump)
Moving Average and CIC
cascade-integrator-comb (CIC) decimator
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Data edge random |
Phase & Frequency detecting possible |
Phase detecting possible , Frequency detecting impossible |
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